Thursday, February 17, 2011

Breaking Down Church Terminology: Clap Offering

If you've been in church for a long time, you probably don't realize that you say things that a lot of people don't understand.  It's not your fault really, we all do it - at work, with friends, on the golf course, wherever. We all have "insider" language and, unfortunately, that often leads to some misconceptions by outsiders who are trying to decode what we're saying.

Jeremy has been paying attention to this phenomenon within the church for several years.  A little while ago, in an effort to create a more welcoming environment at Christian Community Church, we went to work on debunking some of these misconceptions.  Below, you will find our first effort at creating such an environment:

Clap Offering

What are some other church insider terms? What are some insider terms in your context?

1 comment:

  1. Just to be clear, this is not what the worship leader at your church is looking for when he or she asks you give a clap offering to the Lord.
