Thursday, March 3, 2011

Caption contest

I’m feeling pretty worn down today. I was up late last night working on a complete draft of my final project for the quarter. The good news is that the rough draft is done, posted, and the end is in sight. The bad news is that I got almost no sleep and I’m getting dominated by a cold (I really should have taken a picture of the mound of Kleenex that I had built up next to my computer).

My original intention was to post a video, but I'm experiencing technical difficulties that I am not feeling up to correcting. Instead, I'm posting a photo and asking you to write a caption. The funniest and/or most creative entry posted here (not on facebook!) will win something.  I'm thinking a movie pass to an AMC theater and a $10 concession card. 

Have at it!


  1. Caption: Don't be discouraged if your hands are three times the size of your head, you'll grow into them...hopefully.

  2. "Just like your father -- giddy as a schoolboy." (So obscure you probably won't get it.)

  3. Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips: Lose weeks of dirt build-up in minutes.

  4. "Just look at the dirt it was able to pick up off of Jeff Kuhne's nose!"

  5. Good start to the contest. @Nathan, my wife is German AND a huge Indy fan, so I'm quite familiar with what is probably Ilsa's most amazing line, as well as the worst compliment Sean Connery has ever received.

  6. Nice cation Nathan - Indiana would be proud.

  7. Jeff's daily affirmation...

    "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me"

  8. Time is winding down to get your captions in. The winner will be announced at around 2:00 pm this afternoon. You could be headed to the movies tonight on me!

    (Not literally of course. But because I'm giving away a pass and a conecession voucher.)

  9. (posting this again; sorry if it's a repeat, but I don't see it anymore! And it might not be verbatim.)

    "You know, you're right. When you hold it up to just the right light, you CAN see a silhouette of CJ!"

  10. You want me to get all the barbecue sauce off my hands with this??

  11. There has to be a message in here somewhere.
