One of the "tools" of leadership that has become foundational for me started by accident. When I was first starting in youth ministry with a new team of leaders, I would make sure to publicly praise them every chance I got. Aside from truly believing they were great leaders, I was also trying to help establish trust and confidence with parents that their students would be in good hands with us. I think I succeeded in that goal. However, it had broader implications than I ever intended. Those leaders worked harder. They trusted me more. They granted me permission to lead and influence them. And because of what they offered, the youth ministry grew and became more effective at impacting the lives of students.
In most of his letters, Paul made a point of turning the spotlight on those who were serving under him or around him. Romans 16 is basically a big thank you card being broadcast to the church in Rome. Paul couldn't have been an easy guy to work with, if for no other reason than people were always wanting to arrest or kill him. Yet people followed him and fought for him because he was leading a cause they believed in, and because he recognized the value they added to the minisrty and let everyone know about it.
Leaders, we must learn to value the contributions of those who serve with us and under us. We need to improve in this area. I need to improve. In fact, I put it in writing and will share it with all of my leaders and volunteers. Whatever you are doing, you can't do it as effectively alone. People are looking for something to give their time, talent, and treasure to. If you can cast a compelling vision and create a culture of honoring those who come on board, you will never lack followers.
What are some things you've done (or had done for you) to recognize and honor those serving under you?
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