I read something yesterday that’s had me thinking. Psalm 37:13 says “the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.” How can that be? You’re telling me that with everything going on in the world, God is laughing? Shouldn’t He be spending time on more important, serious matters? That’s what you and I would do when “the wicked plot against us,” right?
Maybe this is God’s way of telling us to lighten up. True, there are unspeakably horrible things going on. And there is a time to cry, to fight, to put in 14 hour days. But God also wants us to enjoy Him, the world He created, and the people He has put in our lives. Sometimes we get so serious about whatever it is that God has called you to lead – your family, your Life Group, your business – because we think that if we stop to laugh or enjoy it even a little, people won’t think we’re committed. Yet God laughed, and He was pretty committed to His mission.
If you are having trouble taking the time to stop, breathe, and laugh you’re heading for trouble. You’re going to burn out and then you really won’t be effective. Yes, you are probably involved in some really serious business, at home or in the church or in your community. But trust me, there is plenty out there to enjoy and laugh at. And if you can’t find it, make something up. God’s good for a laugh now and then. You should be too.